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What can Subscribie do for my business?

Subscribie is for automating payment collection, businesses use this service to collect subscription payments automatically.
Whilst Subscribie is subscription focused, it also supports on-time payments.

What is it?

With Subscribie, after creating an account, you get an online service to setup and sell subscription plans for your business. You might be a business, a members club, or a software company seling charging license fees- wanting to collect subscription payments.

The primary goal of Subscribie is to automate the boring, and collecting / chasing payments for small businesses can waste a lot of time.

Subscribie automates payment collection and lets you focus on what matters- your business, your clients and customers. Sports Clubs, Golf Instructors, Software companies, Sales Teams, and Wine Clubs are all examples of business owners successully using Subscribie to automate their payment collectiion.

Why do I want it?

Reasons people choose to use Subscribie:

  • Time Saver: Before using Subscribie, a sports club was collecting payments manually which was a lot of effort for their members. They didn’t want anything complicated, just simple automated payment collection. Another example is a sales team, which uses Subscribie to sign-up their members to plans which are on offer.

  • Simple & no coding skills required: Subscribie is very easy to set-up and use, it only takes about 10 minutes to get started. More importantly, it’s simple for your subscribers too, all they need to do is choose from the plans you create, and Subscribie will charge them accordingly.

Where should I go next?

Give your users next steps from the Overview. For example:

1 - Features

The features offered by Subscribie to automate payment collection & save you time.

The goal of Subscribie is to automate the boring- starting with subscription payment collection. Be sure to read the overview section.


Quickly set-up a subscription site which can:

  • Collect recurring payments weekly / monthly / yearly ✔️
  • Sell subscription plans with an up-front cost ✔️
  • Sell subscription plans with both a recurring & an upfront cost ✔️
  • Create free trial plans which automatically charge after trial expires ✔️
  • Pause subscriptions ✔️
  • Multi-currency support 💴💵💶💷 yes! ✔️
  • Cancel active subscriptions ✔️
  • Refund individual transactions ✔️
  • View failed and failing payments ✔️
  • As a subscriber, I am notified if a payment fails ✔️
  • As a subscriber, I can pay outstanding/failed payments directly from my dashboard ✔️
  • Charge customers ad-hoc outside of their subscription (e.g. chrage for ad-hoc additonal support) ✔️
  • Create private plans which are hidden from the main shop ✔️
  • Create subscription payment links which I can send to people to sign up to ✔️
  • Recieve payments to my bank account daily from my subscribers ✔️
  • Automatically generate invoices for every payment ✔️
  • Automatically charge VAT to plans if VAT registered ✔️
  • Show the VAT amount on invoices if VAT registerd ✔️
  • Embed my shop in an existing website ✔️
  • Upload simple files (images, documents) to my shop, which only paying subscribers can see ✔️
  • View a history of all transactions which have happend through my shop ✔️
  • View all payment history of individual subscribers ✔️
  • Search payments by subscriber name ✔️
  • Search payments by plan name ✔️
  • Search payments by plan name & subscriber name ✔️
  • Add additonal team members to my shop to manage it ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and change their payment details ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and view their plans ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and download the files I have uploaded to my shop ✔️
  • My Subscribers can login to their account and vew the private pages I’ve created once they’re logged in ✔️
  • Delay the number of days before the first payment (useful for cooling off period) ✔️
  • Set a cancel at date on plans so that payments automatically stop on a specified date ✔️
  • View statistics on the number of active subscribers ✔️
  • Divide my plans into categories ✔️
  • Require a simple text note from the customer during sign-up ✔️
  • Present ‘options’ and ‘choices’ to customers during signup, for example colour ‘red, green or blue’? ✔️
  • Create subscription plans with a description & unique selling points ✔️
  • View upcomming payments ✔️
  • Export my subscribers as a csv ✔️
  • Export all transactions as a csv ✔️
  • Arrange the order that plans appear on my shop ✔️
  • Upload an image on each of my plans ✔️
  • Create basic pages on my shop, such as an about page ✔️
  • Create private pages which only my subscribers can see ✔️
  • Customise the welcome email to my subscribers ✔️
  • Change the ‘reply-to’ email on the welcome email to my subscribers ✔️
  • Upload my company logo ✔️
  • Set the slogan of my business ✔️
  • Integrate online chat with your shop ✔️
  • Inject custom code snippets ✔️
  • Integrate with google analytics ✔️
  • Change the colour of my shop ✔️
  • Is mobile friendly ✔️