Events & Signals

Subscribie emits Signals when an Event occurs, such as signal_payment_failed. This is achieved using the python blinker library.

How Signals & Events work together

When an ’event’ happens, you find out by receiving a signal- but you must subscribie to the signals you’re interested in.

For a more in depth generic explanation of signals see the official blinker documentation.

Subscribie Signals

By convention, signal names are prefixed with signal_

Subscribie has the following signals (see for most up to date list:

  • signal_journey_complete
  • signal_payment_failed
  • signal_new_subscriber
  • signal_new_donation (see donations)


  • is where signals are defined
  • is where signals are connected to recievers
  • &

How do I create an event?

It’s helpful to think in terms of Signals which emit notifications to all connected recievers. Many Receivers may be interested in a single event. For example, a new order your email notification system might be interested, plus your postal service. One Signal can have multiple Receivers connected to it.

First, you must have created a signal.

How are events (signals) fired?

Events are ‘fired’ when send is called on the signal. For example, send() is called on the journey_complete signal when a subscriber gets to the ’thank you’ page. Any recievers connected to that signal withh receive that event.

Note in the example below, we are passing the current app, and the associated email address for the event. Be careful doing this if your reciever runs in a background thread, as that will not have access to the application context.

journey_complete.send(current_app._get_current_object(), email=email)
Last modified May 17, 2023: #1148 enable donations link fix (820e034f)