Subscribie uses Playwright for automated browser testing which tests most features at every pull request.
There are two types of test Subscribie has:
- Browser automated tests using playwright
- Basic Python tests
Where are the tests?
Tests are in the tests
directory of the Subscribie repo
Run Basic Tests with pytest
. venv/bin/activate # activates venv
python -m pytest --ignore=node_modules # run pytest
Run a single test
python -m pytest -vv -k 'test_create_PriceList_and_price_list_rule_percent_discount'
Browser automated tests with playwright
Setup Playwright
Install Playwright dependencies
npm install
npm i -D @playwright/test
npx playwright install
npx playwright install-deps
If you see:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: browserType.launch: Host system is missing dependencies!
Install missing packages with:
sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0\
Listen for Stripe webhooks locally
Stripe webhooks are recieved when payment events occur. The test suite needs to listen to these events locally when running tests.
- Install the Stripe cli
- Run
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded,payment_intent.payment_failed,payment_intent.payment_failed --forward-to
For testing failed payments using test cards table, the test card
is especially useful because the cards in the previous table can’t be attached to a Customer object, but4000000000000341
can be (and will fail which is useful for testing failed subscription payments such asinsufficient_funds
Stripe Webhooks
Stripe takes payments. Stripe sends payment related events to Subscribie via
requests- also known as ‘webhooks’). If you’re doing local development, then you need Stripe to send you the test payment events you’re creating.stripe cli
is a tool created by Stripe to do that.
- Install Stripe cli
- Login into stripe via
stripe login
(this shoud open the browser with stripe page where you should enter your credentials). If this command doesn’t work usestripe login -i
(this will login you in interactive mode where instead of opening browser you’ll have to put Stripe secret key directly into terminal) - Run
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded,payment_intent.payment_failed --forward-to
You will see:
⢿ Getting ready... > Ready!
- Please note, the stripe webhook secret is not needed for local development - for production, Stripe webhook verification is done in Stripe-connect-webhook-endpoint-router (you don’t need this for local development).
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to
Remember Stripe will give you a key valid for 90 days, if you get the following error you will need to do step 2 again:
Error while authenticating with Stripe: Authorization failed, status=401
Bulk delete Stripe accounts
Warning Stripe webhooks will be automatically disabled if error rates go above a certain %. To delete in bulk test Stripe Connect express accounts see: ./tests/delete_stripe_accounts_bulk.py
Run Playwright tests
Important: Stripe cli must be running locally to recieve payment events:
stripe listen --events checkout.session.completed,payment_intent.succeeded --forward-to
Stripe-connect-account-announcer needs to be running locally if you’re runnning browser automated tests locally.
Turn on headful mode & set Playwright host
export SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL_USER=test@example.com
Run playwright tests:
There’s two key ways to run tests:
- As fast as possible (in parallel, where possible via the DAG) of tests
- This is whats done in CI to make pull request feedback as fast as possible, whilst running all tests
- Running an individual test
- This is useful for debugging, such as during development of a new test
Run all tests in parallel
. venv/bin/activate # activate python virtual environment
cd tests/browser-automated-tests-playwright
python run-playwright-tests.py
Run an individual test
cd tests/browser-automated-tests-playwright
# Run the test '@133_shop_owner_order_plan_with_cooling_off_period' in debug mode
npx playwright test --debug --headed --grep @133_shop_owner_order_plan_with_cooling_off_period
# Run test @stripe_connect in debug mode:
npx playwright test --debug --headed --grep @stripe_connect
Something not working? Debug playwright tests with the playwright inspector
PWDEBUG=1 npx playwright test
If you don’t see the playwright inspector, make sure you have an up to date version of playwright.
Alternative debugging with breakpoints
- Set breakpoint(s) by typing
anywhere you want a breakpoint in a test. Then run with the node debugger active:
node inspect index.js
Useful node debug commands:
# shows helpn
# go to next linelist()
# show code where pausedcont
# continue execution until next breakpoint
Advanced Playwright Testing
You can run individual playwright tests by:
- Tags:
are used to run tests by issue number - User based (
) - Test name
For example, you may want to run only tests which impact the shop-owner
The test file name structure is
Worker Name--Issue Number-User Based-Test Name
Examples to run a specific Playwright test:
npx playwright test --grep @issue-numer/User Based/Test Name --update-snapshots
For example:
Run only tests for issue #704
npx playwright test --grep @704 --update-snapshots
Run all subscriber tests:
npx playwright test --grep @subscriber --update-snapshots
Run only plan creation tests:
npx playwright test --grep @plan_creation --update-snapshots
To exclude specific test, but run all others:
npx playwright test --grep-invert @issue-numer/User Based/Test Name --update-snapshots.
How playwright workers work
The workers are specified in the playwright.config.ts file. Which is the file containing the global settings for the playwright tests:
- The working directories
- Global time out 3mins before each test is retried
- Retry 2 times if a test fails
- How many workers(parallel jobs playwright can do) at the same time. We have 3
- Headless config on/off depending in the .env variable if true or false
- SlowMo specified in the env (miliseconds)
- baseURL, specified in the env. Ex
- Video Recording
Using Chromium because headless only works in chromium not mobile
Worker 1 is called index.spec.js (it can be called any name but needs to end in .spec.)
In worker 1 we have these tests:
Before each test, playwright logs in with a
user. -
Stripe test: Check if Stripe is connected, otherwise connect to Stripe. (this is the longest tests 3minutes if not connected)
Transaction filter by name and plan title
pause, resume subscription test
cancel subscription test.
Subscriber filter by name and plan title
Worker2 is called worker2.spec.js and in this worker have these tests:
Why these tests? plan creation, changing plans order, and sharing private plan url do not depend on the previous tests so while Worker 1, Stripe Connect, test is running (takes 3min to complete) this worker is running those 3 tests first. By the time those 3 tests are run, tripe is already connected and we can start doing tests that require Stripe to be connected like ordering plans.
Worker 3 is called worker3.spec.js and this worker has these tests:
Worker 3 mostly contains tests that don’t require Stripe to be connected, only the 4th last ones requires Stripe to be connected.
The worker name example, test.spec, worker1.spec, worker2.spec.
The spec is necessary for the tests to be discovered by Playwright as another worker.
To run only the specified tests, the syntax is: