Refund Customer Subscription Payments

How to refund payments.

Steps to refund payments

Step 1: In your dashboard, go to View Transactions / Manage Refunds under the All Transactions / Manage Refunds tab.

Step 2: View the transaction you would like to refund and click Refund.

Step 3: You will now be prompted with a box asking if you are sure you want to refund, so choose Yes.

You have now successfully initiated your refund, you can rest assured that your customer will receive their refund within 3 to 10 business days.

Note: If this is part of an active subscription, future payments will still be taken. If you want to cancel future subscription charges, see how to pause or cancel a subscription

Video Tutorial for Refunding a Subscription

Watch the video

Last modified June 15, 2023: updating and optimising docs (6b83052b)