Updating Credit Card details for Shop Owners

How to update your credit card details as a shop owner.

Steps to Update your credit card details

#Step 1:

  • On your Admin dashboard scroll down and click Users, Passwords & Cards details

#Step 2:

  • After the dropdown, click Change My Card details. It will redirect you to your profile side of subscribie where you will need to enter your credentials.

Note: If you can’t remember your Subscribie credentials, use the forgotten password link on the login page.

#Step 3:

  • After logging in, scroll down and click update payment method.

#Step 4:

  • Follow the steps and click Save.

#Step 5:

  • After updating your credentials, you can scroll down the dashboard to check the 4 last digit of your new card which will be that it was changed succesfully!
Last modified June 15, 2023: updating and optimising docs (6b83052b)