View and Export Transactions and Donations

Need a way to keep track of transactions and export them. Follow these steps to view and export transactions and donations from your dashboard

Learn how to View and export Transactions and Donations.

Steps to View Transactions and Donations

Step 1:* Log into your Shop Dashboard.

Step 2:* Go to View Transactions / Manage Refunds under the All Transactions / Manage Refunds tab.

Here you can see all your transactions and the plans that have been purchased. For donations, see the Donation coulmn.

Exporting Transactions and Donations

Click Export transactions under the All Transactions / Manage Refunds tab to export all your transactions including donations received as a CSV file.

Need to view and export your subscribers? Here is our guide to exporting subscribier list and pausing a subscriber.

Video Tutorial to View and Export Transactions and Donations

Watch the video

Last modified June 15, 2023: updating and optimising docs (6b83052b)